
Studio Console (1.2)

The studio console is a developer resource used to execute studio commands within the editor. It's very helpful once you know what you're doing with it.

Accessing the console

The console was solely acessible in the editor, but with the improvements made in the most recent community version, it's now available during missions and the main menu too! Use CTRL+ALT+F10 to open it, although F10 in isloation will work if the studio editor is open. Any gameplay will remain paused while it's visable.

Studio console shown in the editor for mission 9, ready to execute the command "team.setrelationbothway tan bloko neutral". Studio console shown during mission 9 gameplay, ready to execute the command "team.setrelationbothway green tan ally".
Screenshot credit: TommyCD1

Keep in mind you won't get an output for some commands. So if you typed your command and didn't receive any feedback, you probably did it right.

Console commands

Not a complete list! More will be added in the future.

Set team relation
team.setrelation <team1> <team2> <relation>
team.setrelationbothway <team1> <team2> <relation>
Sets a new relation between 2 teams. New teams are neutral with all others by default. See more in chapter 2.2.

Add objective <team> <objective>
Add a new objective for the listed team.

Import heightmap
studio.importbitmap <path> <float>
Imports heightmap as a .tga file into the level, overriding all previous terrain. See more in chapter 4.2.
Careful: This can NOT be undone without reverting your changes from the last save or loading a backup file.

Find object
common.debug.lookat <ID>
Find a specific object with its ID number in the level. Your camera will be repositioned to its location.